History Notes from Council Minutes
Art Education in Todmorden begun before the founding of the Fielden School of Art. This was both under the School Board, and during the period when Todmorden was an Urban District Council, from 1896 to 1898.
The notes below are items relating to the School of Art, taken from the Borough Council Minute Books. These are held by Calderdale Libraries, both at the Reference Library in Halifax and at Todmorden Library.
Minutes October 1896 to December 1922
5 October 1896 (page 16)
The Technical Instruction Committee with Councillor J E Mitchell as Chairman discussed practical classes taking place at various venues around Todmorden.
4 December 1896 (page 62)
Formal appointment by letter of the Town Clerk that the list of members “were appointed as Technical Instruction Committee. To whom the Council delegated all of the powers under the Acts (except raising a rate or borrowing money). Appointment of Chairman deferred.”
Sub-committee report lists schools and other locations where instruction is being carried out.
5 March 1897 (page 151)
County Councillor J Barker gave notice that at the next meeting he will move that a sub-committee be appointed to draw up a report on the accommodation available for technical instruction in the district and the probable requirements in the near future, and to make recommendations as to the most suitable way of providing the required accommodation.
2 April 1897 (page 180)
Sub-committee appointed.
2 July 1897 (page 292)
The sub-committee met and Alderman Sugden Sutcliffe was appointed Chairman. The report includes a list of 37 classes in operation, with number 37, Art in Designing, being held at Roomfield School.
8 October 1897 (page 397)
The TIC accepted a sub-committee resolution that “It is desirable that the Roomfield Art Class be transferred to Centre Vale School as soon as possible, and that the Town Council be asked what are their intentions respecting a caretaker for the premises”
9 December 1897 (page 446)
The full Council sealed the Conveyance of the Centre Vale School.
7 January 1898 (pages 506 and 507)
TIC Agenda item 6: A letter from the Town Clerk, dated 3rd January, stating that John Ashton Fielden had executed the conveyance of the Centre Vale School and premises to the Council of the Borough and the Council had decided to refer the question of taking possession of the School and the assets thereof to this Committee. (The conveyance was executed on the 28th of December 1897)
TIC Agenda item 7: That Alderman Sugden Sutcliffe [and others] be appointed a sub-committee to meet the sub-committee appointed by the School Board for the purpose of discussing the occupation of the premises etc.
24 January 1898 (page 575)
The Sub-Committee discussed the School Board proposal regarding where the proposed Science School will be held. They were concerned with the possibility of having it at the Centre Vale School, with extra wings proposed for this purpose. [Ultimately a decision was made to extend and adapt part of Roomfield School as the Science School. The only activity at the Centre Vale premises other than the School of Art was a Pupil Teacher Training Centre]
1 April 1898 (page 23)
The sub-committee resolved:
- That in the opinion of the Sub-Committee, the best use to which the Centre Vale school premises can be put, is to use them as a School for the Teaching of the Principles of Art in all its branches.
- We recommend the Technical Instruction Committee to obtain the permission of the donor of the premises to name them “The Fielden School of Art” and if permission is granted, that a suitable inscription be placed on the building.
- May 1898 (page 84)
The Sub-Committee met at Centre Vale School. Various practical building related matters were decided; in addition it was resolved that:
Mr J H Farran be appointed Art Master at £80 per session (September to May) with house rent and rates free, subject to three months notice on either side from the end of the session in April;
That Mr Farran be allowed to open up classes under the Committee between April and September and to be paid as salary an amount received on account of same in fees from students and grants received from the Science and Art Department [of the Government] and West Riding County Council;
County Councillor J Barker be requested to apply for a grant from the West Riding Technical Instruction Committee on account of Centre Vale School premises.
A requisition by Mr Farran, Art Master, for apparatus, casts etc. for the Fielden School of Art was submitted and it was resolved:
That the chairman be authorised to sign an application to the W.R.T.I.C for aid towards purchase of same;
That Mr Farran be appointed caretaker of the F.S. of A;
That a class in “Inking and Colouring Drawings” be opened under Mr H Threlfall, paid as salary income and grants.
2 September 1898 (page 191)
The Technical Instruction Committee resolved that John Ashton Fielden be informed that it is intended to open the Fielden School of Art on the 11th of October. He is invited to distribute certificates to students [of all T.I.C disciplines] and to attend a banquet in the evening.
11 October 1898 was an important day in the life of Todmorden, when the Technical School at Waterside, the Science School at Roomfield and the School of Art were all opened. A full account of the day, taken from local press sources, is given in Appendix X to these notes.
5 November 1898 (page 259)
The T.I.C resolved that the Secretary be authorised to sign the forms forwarded by Department of Science and Art for the official recognition of the Fielden School of Art.
20 January 1899 (page 407)
The T.I.C resolved that the Surveyor be requested to attend to various repairs at the F.S. of A and that Mr Whitehead be empowered to get a flower bed put round the base of the pillar gas lamp in the S of A grounds.
Minutes April 1899 to March 1900
21 April 1899 (page 67)
The Sub-Committee referred to a dispute with the W.R.T.I.C, with Todmorden T.I.C refusing to accept [only?] £250 in settlement of a claim regarding F.S. of A.
9 June 1899 (page 139)
The Sub-Committee resolved that:
Miss Edith Lord be allowed to continue her studies at Manchester School of Art, as long as it does not interfere with her duties at the F.S. of A. (She commences in September);
An advertisement be put in the local papers for a second Art Pupil Teacher, salary £15 for forty weeks.
Various works to the premises were agreed, including curtains and screen to prevent cross light during daytime.
7 July 1899 (page 221)
Mr Simon [Simeon?] Butterworth appointed Art Pupil Teacher.
10 August 1899 (page 219)
The Sub-Committee had a long discussion about the remuneration of Mr Farran, during which he was called back into the meeting. Ultimately it was resolved that:
Mr Farran to be reappointed at £90 p.a. plus house rent and rate free. Full time for the Committee for 40 weeks per year, except two half days and one night per week.
25 August 1899 (page 221)
The Secretary submitted photographs of the interior and exterior of the F.S. of A by W A Fairbourn. The Secretary to ask Mrs Fielden of Centre Vale if she would like the photographs with copies of the handbook and the prospectus for the next session. Copes also for John Ashton Fielden.
[These photographs have been widely reproduced and were used for many years in the prospectus for the School of Art]
22 September 1899 (page 253)
The Sub-Committee discussed an issue with the Department of Science and Art about the appointment of Miss Lord and Mr Butterworth as Art Pupil Teachers.
6 October 1899 (page 300)
Two further Art Pupil Teachers proposed, Miss Mabel A Lord and Mr James Greenwood. Names submitted to the Department of Science and Art.
15 December 1899 (page 380)
The Sub-committee requested Mr Wilson Pickles, teacher of Woodwork and Wood Carving to examine the wood cut from trees in the F.S. of A grounds and see if it is any use for classes. If so to remove it to the Technical School.
(page 382)
(4) That a reference Library for the use of Teachers [Except School of Art Teachers] be established at the Secretary’s office and reference books at the school be removed.
21 January 1900 (page 401)
D Brucciani & Co paid £8-12-6 for casts.
12 January 1900 (page 422)
(2) Letter from the Department of Art and Science stating that the appointment of James Greenwood as Art Pupil Teacher is approved but that Miss Mabel A Lord could not be approved as she had reached the age of 25.
(3) Miss Emmeline G Jackson be appointed Art Pupil Teacher subject to approval from the Department of Art and Science.
(4) Miss Lord to Act as Assistant Teacher in the Art School until reply received from the Department of Art and Science regarding Miss Jordan, at a salary of £30 for 40 weeks.
(6) Agreed that two students can use a room on Monday evenings.
28 January 1900 (page 445)
E Cantoni paid £0-6-0 for casts
7 February 1900 (page 472)
(3) Committee recommend indoor WC be provided for female students.
(4) Stephen Halstead to be consulted on best means of lighting the large room at the Art School and the approximate cost of any works [skylights]
2 March 1900 (page 474)
Secretary to make application to the Department of Art and Science for grant in respect of Miss Edith Lord and Mr Simeon Butterworth as Art Pupil Teachers.
5 May 1900 (page 99)
Miss Jackson and Mr Greenwood to be nominated for re-appointment by the Board of Education as Pupil Teachers at the Art School.
1 June 1900 (page 102)
Mrs Sarah Fielden of Centre Vale has promised to give the sum of £5 per annum for 4 years for prizes for the best work at the Art School.
22 June 1900 (page 102)
Mr J W Jackson, Art Master, be appointed Teacher of class in Wood Carving at 5s shillings per lesson (1 ¼ hrs)
9 July 1900 (page 180)
(3) Agreed to provide additional heating on North side of Large Room and also west side of Clay Modelling Room.
(4) Halstead Bros to proceed as soon as possible to fix over-lights in main room with 3/8 inch plate glass.
24 July 1900 (page 181)
(2) Surveyor requested to prepare specification for covering floors of Art School with boarding and obtain tenders.
(3) Yard at Art School to be covered with Mount Sorrell granite chippings.
3 August 1900 (page 183)
(4) Recommendation for fixed window rollers and blinds to all windows in the Art School. To be done by Halstead Bothers.
(6) Mr Farran requested one copy of the “Artist” be supplied each month for each student, to be used on premises only.
28 September 1900 (page 268)
Special meeting of the Technical Instruction Committee resolved, in relation to the erection of a WC at the Fielden School of Art, that “The Surveyor be instructed to take down the new structure and restore the school building to its original condition”.
2 November 1900 (page 299)
The record of accounts shows Mr Farran received a salary of £7-10-0 and payment of £3-0-0 for caretaking (5 weeks at 17 shillings)
2 November 1900 (page 299)
The Technical Instruction Committee considered a letter from Mr Farran stating that there had been a falling off in the number of artisan students who should attend the Art School and asking for some arrangements to induce this class of student to attend.
7 March 1901 (page 30/31) General sub-committee
(3) Exhibition of students work being planned at the Town Hall on the first Monday and Tuesday in October, with the distribution of certificates on Tuesday evening at 7pm.
(6) Messrs Halstead Pickles & Son be instructed to attend to the hanging of the Pictures and Drawings, and the Draping of the Hall.
24 May 1901 (page 105)
Discussion about the means to be adopted to increase the number of students, Mr Farran in attendance. Timetable to be modified so that on one evening per week to be just for students doing advanced work, with the teachers thus able to devote all their time to this.
Mr Farran to draw up a brief summary of some of the advantages to be derived from a study of Art as applied to the industries of the district and that copies of the same be circulated amongst the mills and workshops of the Borough.
???? (page 185)
An advertisement to be issued in the two local papers for two Art Pupil Teachers for the School of Art.
???? (page 187/8)
The Technical Instruction Committee decided that the Technical School and the School of Art be open to the public for inspection on Saturdays the 7th and 14th of September from 2 to 5.30pm.
21 February 1902 (page 473)
A return showing income and expenditure in connection with the School of Art during the last two seasons was considered by the sub-committee.
Subsequently, on the 27 February, a meeting of the School of Art Visitors [Councillors] with Mr Farran considered the above. Mr Farran to put in writing his views on the matter, together with any suggestions he may wish to make with a view to increasing the efficiency of the school.
14 March 1902 (page 37)
The General Sub-Committee met in the Committee Room of the Town Hall to consider the following report of a Meeting of the Art School Visitors:
Meeting of the Visitors of the Art School held in the Committee Room, Town Hall, 6th March 1902; present – Ald. Sugden Sutcliffe (in the chair), Ald. W Jackson, Messrs Thomas Hargreaves and Jas. Whitehead. After the Visitors had had an interview with Mr Farran respecting the attendance at the School of Art, it was resolved: (i) That a class be opened on Thursday evenings during May, June and July, and that special attention be given to the Alternative Syllabus for Drawing in Elementary Schools. (ii) That Mr Farran be allowed to form a Landscape Class from Students of the School, to be conducted on alternate Saturdays during the summer months. (iii) That the works to be sent up to South Kensington for inspection and examination be exhibited at the Art School on the 27th inst., and that the exhibition be thrown open to the public. Mr Farran to make the necessary arrangements. (iv) That the Secretary and J Whitehead be authorised to make enquiries respecting an Assistant for the Art School. (v) That the Chairman and the Secretary along with J Whitehead be deputed to draw up a scheme of prizes for Art Students for which subscriptions have already been given, and submit same to this committee. (vi) That Mr T Law be engaged to put in new water pipe in place of the old one which had been burst in the playground, and also recommended the Council to replace the two iron downspouts on the front of the School with two new ones.
The General Sub-Committee Resolved –
- That the foregoing report be received and adopted.
- That a circular letter be sent to the Borough School Board, Managers of Voluntary Schools, and to the Head Teachers in the district, drawing special attention to the class to be opened on Thursday evenings at the Art School during the summer months.
16 May 1902 (page 37)
Mr H M Bates of Manchester Municipal School of Art be appointed Assistant Teacher at the Fielden School of Art for two evenings per week, of 2 ½ hours each. At 7s 6p per evening plus third class railway fares.
????1902 (page 327)
Letter from the County Council 5 November 77-725 stating that the Fielden School of Art had been recognised by the Board of Education as eligible for a grant under Section XL of the Regulations for Secondary Day Schools, for the school year ending 31 July 1903.
???? (page 375)
The Technical Instruction Committee agreed to two Student Social Evenings [for all students under this committee] to be held on the 29th and 30th of December 1902. The 29th will be open to the public when prizes and certificates will be distributed. The remainder of the evening to be devoted to dancing, songs and other forms of entertainment. [The dates were later changed to 30th and 31st of December]
Tenders for bands to be obtained. Superintendent Heywood to be invited to give shadowgraphic and ventriloquial exhibitions each evening.
Following the Education Act 1902 Todmorden Borough Council became an Education Authority.
13 February 1903 (page 512) was the first mention of the Education Committee – It appears that the former Technical Instruction Committee briefly became a Sub-Committee to the Education Committee, but that ultimately the Evening Schools and Classes Sub-Committee was formed. Other sub-committees were also involved.
???? (page 512)
Technical Instruction General Sub-Committee
(9) An Exhibition of Students work to be held at the Art School, prior to sending the works to London for examination. To be advertised in the two local newspapers.
(10) Concern about “breach in continuity of control of higher education if “appointed day” be fixed earlier than that fixed by WYCC”. Assume this refers to actions under the Education Act 1902.
3 April 1903 (page 42)
Technical Instruction Committee
(5) That an Art Class for Teachers be opened at the Art School during the months of June, July and August.
(7) That the Secretary be nominated to act as superintendent for the examination in still life painting, in accordance with Clause VIII of the Board of Education Supplementary Regulations.
17 April 1903 (page 83)
Technical Instruction General Sub-Committee
(3) That Mr James Greenwood be nominated for appointment as Art Pupil Teacher at the Fielden School of Art for session 1903/04 on the terms and conditions set out in (c) of clause xxix of the Board of Education Regulations for Secondary Day Schools.
- April 1903 (page 83)
Technical Instruction General Sub-Committee
(1) That Miss Helen M Cunliffe, Lytham, be recommended for appointment as an Assistant at the Art School for session 1903/04, at 20s per week of 7½ hours.
All subsequent references are to the Education Committee minutes or to one of its various sub-committees, as the Technical Instruction Committee no longer exists. The minutes relating to the School of Art tend to be fewer, less detailed and spread across various sub-committees.
15 June 1903 (page 136)
Education Committee
(3) An emergency minute allowing salaries to be confirmed, including that of Mr Farran at £4-14-10.
??? (pages 179/180)
Education Committee
Higher Education Sub-Committee
(5) Amongst many others – That Mr J H Farran be transferred to the committee as Art Master, under the same terms and conditions as he was engaged under the late Technical Instruction Committee.
(6) That a sub-committee be established to consider the working arrangements of the Art School and to report thereon.
The sub-committee met on July 17th and had interview with Mr Farran. It was resolved that Mr Farran be instructed to visit the day schools for the purpose of superintending the teaching of drawing, and that the clerk prepare a plan of the order in which the schools are to be visited. This report was accepted by the Education Committee on the 20th July.
28 August 1903 (pages 272/3)
Higher Education Sub-Committee
There was an issue about accommodation for secondary education. The Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Town Clerk and the Clerk of the Committee were appointed to meet Mr John Ashton Fielden to ascertain if he had any objection to the School of Art being enlarged and adapted for use as a secondary school to meet the requirements of the County Council.
On the 21st September it was reported that a letter had been received from Mr J A Fielden declining to agree to the enlargement of the School of Art. A sub-committee was formed to look for another site.
Given that the Council owned the School of Art it is not clear why the permission of Mr Fielden was needed. Possibilities are: Covenants on the original sale; the need for extra land currently part of Centre Vale; or a desire not to upset the Fielden family by just going ahead.
The outcome was perhaps a good thing for the School of Art.
5 April 1904 (page ???)
Education Sub-Committee
(12) (ii) WRCC state that it is not anticipated that there will be any objection to Miss Cunliffe taking charge of the School of Art during the absence of Mr Farran at Geneva for the summer art course.
9 May 1904 (page 78)
Education Sub-Committee
(10) That Miss H M Cunliffe be engaged for the extra time required and be appointed as responsible Art Master of the Fielden School of Art during the absence of Mr Farran.
(13) That a special class for brushwork be opened at the School of Art to be held on Thursdays up to the closing of the school for the midsummer holidays. New students 2/-, old students 1/-.
28 November 1904 (page 389)
Evening Schools and Classes Sub-Committee
Report by Mr Farran, Art Master on the course of training taken by him at the School of Industrial Art, Geneva. Also a letter requesting craft materials, and as to number in attendance at the Art School, together with an application to admit certain students to the Saturday morning class at the Art School.
It was resolved that the application be referred to the WRCC and that Mr Farran be asked to furnish the observations on the attendance at the Art School already asked for.
2 January 1905 (page 440)
Evening Schools and Classes Sub-Committee
(1) In accordance with his request, Mr J H Farran be allowed to terminate his engagement with the committee forthwith and to cease tenancy of the Art School residence at the same time.
(2) That the Chairman and Clerk be authorised to appoint an art teacher for the remainder of the session in place of Mr Farran.
9 January 1905 (page 442)
Education Sub-Committee
(2) That the appointment of Miss H M Cunliffe as art teacher at 35s per week for the remainder of the session be confirmed, and that arrangement be made with her to take the class I design for weaving students at the Technical School on terms to be arranged by the Clerk.
The question of the tenancy of the Art School residence by a teacher or caretaker to be deferred to the next meeting.
12 January 1905 (page 444)
Finance Sub-Committee
(11) That the salary of Miss Cunliffe, art teacher, be at the rate of £1-15-0 per week plus 5s per evening for design (weaving) classes.
6 March 1905 (page 533)
Education Sub-Committee
(10) That the Chairman, two Councillors and the Clerk be appointed to visit the exhibition at Leeds of Pupil’s Works from the School of Industrial Arts, Geneva, and to purchase such specimens as they consider suitable.
10 March 1905 (page 537)
Evening Schools and Classes Sub-Committee
(5) That classes in sketching from nature and drawing from life, fees 2/6 new students, 1/- old students, and summer classes for teachers, fees 2/6, be opened at the Art School immediately after the art examination and continued until the close of the session.
5 May 1905 (page 82)
Evening Schools and Classes Sub-Committee
Teacher appointments, including Miss Cunliffe art master, £80 and two rooms in the caretaker’s house.
21 July 1905 (page 225)
Sites and Buildings Sub-Committee
(5) An advertisement be placed for a caretaker for the Fielden School of Art, wages 6s per week with house rent and rates free, the Art Master having the option of occupying the sitting room and bedroom (to pay agreed rate for use of furniture and attendance)
(6) Chairman and Councillor Sugden to inspect the School of Art residence and get such repairs and redecoration done as necessary.
6 November 1905 (page 368)
Education Sub-Committee
Read report from Miss Cunliffe on drawing instruction in the day schools.
13 June 1906 (page 118)
Education Sub-Committee
Read Art Master’s report on the teaching of drawing in the schools.
Resolved (5) that the report be supplied to the Head Teachers.
10 May 1907 (page 79)
Education Sub-Committee
Report from the Art Master on the teaching of drawing in the schools.
20 December 1907 (page 435)
Education Sub-Committee
A number of papers from the West Riding Education Department were submitted, setting out the proposed arrangements for the intended District and Central Art Exhibition, to be held in the West Riding in conjunction with the International Congress of Industrial Art1908, together with the particulars of and suggested constitution of, and area for the Todmorden exhibition committee. It was Resolved:
(1) That a District Art Exhibition be held in the Todmorden Area
(2) A list of proposed members (including Miss Cunliffe) to be representatives of Todmorden Borough Education Committee on the Exhibition Committee for the purpose of managing and organising the Exhibition.
(3) Application be made for the use of the Town Hall during the whole of the week ending 28th March 1908, for the holding of the exhibition.
(4) That the Clerk convene the first meeting on the 6th of January.
That a circular be issued to the Head Teachers of all day and evening schools, inviting them to render assistance in the success of the exhibition.
6 January 1908 (page 437)
Todmorden District exhibition Committee confirmed that the exhibition (International Congress etc.) will be held at the Town Hall on 23rd to 28th March next.
7 February 1908 (page 438)
Education Sub-Committee
The usual report from Miss Cunliffe about drawing in the schools.
26 February 1908 (page 523)
District Art Exhibition Sub-Committee
(1) That advertisements be inserted in the local papers that the Exhibition will be held in the Town Hall and will be opened by the Mayor on the 24th of March and continue all week, and that exhibits of all grades (including craft work) will be accepted from past and present students, and from any native of the borough.
(3) A group was appointed to set up the exhibition (including Miss Cunliffe)
On the 9 March 1908, it was decided that Halstead Pickles and Sons be instructed to prepare the walls for hanging pictures and drawings thereon.
4 April 1908 (page 50)
Education Sub-Committee
(4) That a copy of the list of exhibits selected for the West Riding Central Art Exhibition, Leeds by the West Riding Art Assessors, be entered on the minutes, including: Fielden School of Art – 12 sheets of drawing and painting, with sheets of drawings, brushwork etc from the following schools, viz.: Secondary School, Roomfield Boys, Walsden Council, Cornholme Council, Vale Council, Todmorden National, Eastwood Council, Lumbutts Factory.
5 June 1908 (page 132)
Education Sub-Committee
(4) That arrangements be made for Sessional Courses in Drawing for Teachers, as requested by West Riding Education Committee.
5 February 1909 (page 514)
Education Sub-Committee
Report from Miss H M Cunliffe on the teaching of drawing in the day schools.
9 July 1909 (page 172)
Education Sub-Committee
(9) Miss Cunliffe salary to be increased from £80 to £90.
(11) Report from Miss H M Cunliffe on the teaching of drawing in the day schools.
6 May 1910 (page 68)
Education Sub-Committee
Report from Miss H M Cunliffe on the teaching of drawing in the day schools.
17 June 1910 (page 152)
Staffing and Buildings Sub-Committee
A report by the sub-committee appointed to inspect the School of Art premises resolved (1) That the report be accepted, and that the Surveyor be instructed to prepare an estimate of the costs of carrying out the recommendations specified therein. (2) That the allocation of ex-bursars as student teachers be left with Alderman Judson and the Clerk. (3) That the three non-bursars be afforded the facilities for filling the position of student teachers for one year. (4) That Miss M A Lord be granted leave of absence on 29th inst., subject to deduction of one day’s salary.
[It is not clear if items 2 to 4 refer to the School of Art}
7 October 1910 (page 319)
Education Sub-Committee
(10) That Mr F A Sandiland’s tender (£23) for painting the School of Art be accepted, and that the Surveyor put in hand the repairs specified in his report on the school.
11 November 1910 (page 350)
Education Sub-Committee
(7) The tender of Messrs Samuel Crabtree for new ventilation at the Fielden School of Art (£4-10-0) be accepted.
December 1910 (page 445)
Evening Schools and Classes Sub-Committee
(3) That the best of thanks of the Committee be given to Mr Simeon Butterworth, a former student of the School of Art, for the gift of books etc. to the school. (i) Meyer’s Handbook of Ornament, (ii) Japanese Designs, (iii) Townsend’s Plant and Floral Studies.
27 January 1911 (page 520)
Evening Schools and Classes Sub-Committee
Fielden School of Art – Enquiry from City & Guilds of London Institute, requesting particulars as to the relationship of the school to local industries, re: a) ornamental and decorative art, b) design for manufacture, c) art handicraft. Also the extent to which employers co-operate with the Committee.
10 March 1911 (page 550)
Evening Schools and Classes Sub-Committee
(6) That an exhibition of woven specimens, metal plate work specimens and art works, to be sent to London for examination, be held at the Technical School on Saturday 25th March 1911.
25 April 1911 (page 70)
Staff and Buildings Sub-Committee
(1) That the tub toilets at the School of Art be converted to WCs
12 January 1912 (page 460)
Education Sub-Committee
Letter from HMI Mr Latimer stating that a detailed inspection of the Fielden School of Art will be held on the 20th and 21st of February. Councillors Barker and Holt to meet the HM Inspector at the inspection.
10 May 1912 (page 67)
Education Sub-Committee
(4) That copies of Miss Cunliffe’s report on drawing in the Borough Schools be supplied to the Head Teachers.
21 June 1912 (page 176)
Education Sub-Committee
That Miss Cunliffe’s salary be increased from £90 to £100.
15 November 1912 (page 467)
Education Committee
(5) Reported, resignation of Miss Cunliffe, Art Master, owing to domestic bereavement.
(6) Resolved, that an advertisement be issued for an Art Master in place of Miss Cunliffe, at a salary of £90 advancing to £100, with rooms free.
13 December 1912 (page 500)
Evening Schools and Classes Sub-Committee
(5) That the two selected candidates for the post of Art Master be requested to attend a meeting of the Sub-Committee to be held on Friday next, third class return fare allowed.
20 December 1912 (page 540)
Evening Schools and Classes Sub-Committee
Had interviews with candidates for the post of Art Master at the Fielden School of Art. Resolved (1) That Miss Florence Balshaw be appointed Art Master at a salary at the rate of £90 per annum and use of rooms, subject to qualification being approved by the WRCC. (2) That Miss Balshaw be paid 3s 7d and Miss M Koetler 7s 6d for candidates travelling expenses.
[WRCC obviously approved, as Miss Balshaw appears in the list of salaries paid on 13th January 2013, along with the final part-payment due to Miss Cunliffe]
17 January 1913 (page 578)
Evening Schools and Classes Sub-Committee
(7) That the Finance Sub-Committee be requested to apportion Miss Balshaws salary between the School of Art, the Technical School and the Elementary Schools. [Ultimately approved that £10 allocated to elementary education account. Presumably on the basis that Miss Balshaw would continue monitoring and reporting on drawing in the schools, as Miss Cunliffe had done]
11 April 1913 (page 60)
Education Sub-Committee
Art Master Miss Balshaw’s report on drawing in the Elementary Schools. Resolved that copies go members of the Committee and to the respective head teachers.
23 October 1913 (page 67)
Evening Schools and Classes Sub-Committee
The number of students enrolled at the Fielden School of Art: 57
8 May 1914 (page 456)
Evening Schools and Classes Sub-Committee
It was agreed that Miss Balshaw will teach “Principles of Art as applied to Pattern Weaving” at the Technical School
10 August 1914 (page 625)
Finance Sub-Committee
Paid to Brucciani & Co Ltd: £7.3.0 for casts for the Fielden School of Art
11 September 1914 (page 683)
Evening Schools and Classes Sub-Committee
(7) Resolved, that the students in Cotton Weaving be allowed to attend for instruction in the Principles of Art as applied to the Design of Patterns for Weaving, either in the evening class at the Technical School, or in a day class to be opened at the Art School; that the Art Master be instructed to provide for carrying out this arrangement, and that the attendance at the Art School be entered in the Technical School register.
6 July 1916 (page 414)
Evening Schools and Classes Sub-Committee
Read: a letter from the Art Master as to the status of the School of Art. Resolved, that the letter be forwarded to WRCC.
13 October 1916 (page 57)
Evening Schools and Classes Sub-Committee
Read: letter 355 from the County Council as to the Fielden School of Art. What did it say?
23 November2016 (page 103)
Evening Schools and Classes Sub-Committee resolved that:
(9) The use of the School of Art be granted free to the Art Master for a sale of work.
(10) Certificates be awarded to successful first year students in commercial, industrial and housecraft courses in the Evening Schools.
(11) Miss Balshaw, Art Master, be asked to prepare a design for the certificates.
7 December 1917 (page 106)
Evening Schools and Classes Sub-Committee
Read: letter from Miss Balshaw resigning her appointment as Art Master at the Fielden School of Art.
Resolved, that the Mayor and Ald. Wadsworth be appointed to have an interview with Miss Balshaw on the subject of the letter, and that if they fail to induce her to withdraw it, that an advertisement be issued for another Art Master in her place, commencing salary £110 per annum.
21 December 1917 (page 151)
Evening Schools and Classes Sub-Committee
Applications for post of Art Master. Three candidates now selected to be interviewed on 26 December.
26 December 1917
Evening Schools and Classes Sub-Committee
Resolved that Miss M A Holmes be appointed Art Master, Fielden School of Art and Inspector of drawing in the Elementary Schools, at an inclusive salary of £110 per annum, from 1 January.
14 May 1918 (page 372)
Evening Schools and Classes Sub-Committee
Resolved that the salary of Miss Holmes, Art Master, be advanced £10 per annum from July next.
14 June 1918 (page 416)
Education Sub-Committee
Resolved that the Art Master engage a “model” at 1s. per sitting.
30 August 1918 (page 542)
Evening Schools and Classes Sub-Committee
Confirmation that teachers including Miss Holmes be appointed on the terms stated in the WRCC scale of salaries for Technical and Evening School Teachers.
1 July 1918 (page 417)
Evening Schools and Classes Sub-Committee
Times for the coming school year were agreed, including the following for the School of Art:
Day classes: Tuesday and Friday 2 to 4pm; Saturday 9.30am to 12.30pm
Evening classes: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 6.45 to 9.30pm.
Lace making (Mrs Maiden): Wednesday 2.30 to 4.30pm and 7 to 9pm.
12 September 1918 (page 580)
Evening Schools and Classes Sub-Committee
(16) Mrs Maiden resigned.
(17) Read a letter from the Art Mistress suggesting that arrangements be made for a lecture be given during the exhibition of students work on the 20th inst. No action taken.
The first use of the term Art Mistress instead of Art Master, despite the post holders being female since 1905.
16 October 1919 (page 55)
Evening Schools and Classes Sub-Committee
Resolved that Miss M A Holmes Art Mistress be placed on the WRCC scale of salaries at £160pa from 1st August 1919.
9 January 1920 (page 183)
Evening Schools and Classes Sub-Committee
(7) Read letter from Miss M A Holmes giving particulars of previous employment. Resolved that Miss Holmes be placed on the 5th year of scale of salaries, viz. £190pa from at August 1919 instead of 2nd year at £160pa.
13 August 1920 (page 636)
Education Committee
3(iii) Resolved that the salary of Miss M A Holmes be increased from £190 to £210pa from 1st August 1920. Also to receive a bonus of £40. (One of three people to receive bonuses)
17 September 1920 (page 687)
Education Committee
(8) The Director reported that the Principal of Rochdale School of Art had been invited to give a lecture at the opening of the Fielden School of Art, but no reply had been received.
(9) Resolved that the letter received from Miss M A Holmes be referred to the Chairman and the Director of Education.
19 November 1920 (page 115)
Evening Schools and Classes Sub-Committee
(13) Read letter from Miss Holmes regarding unsatisfactory lighting arrangements at the Fielden School of Art. Resolved, that the letter be referred to the gas engineer.
(14) Resolved that the fee to be paid to the student’s portrait model be left with the Director of Education and the Art Mistress
10 December 1920 (page 181)
Evening Schools and Classes Sub-Committee
Resolved that a bonus of £20 be paid to three full-time teachers, including Miss Holmes.
11 February 1921 (page 278)
Technical and Evening Schools Sub-Committee
(6) Resolved that 3s per evening of 2 ¾ hrs be paid for a model for the “Head Life” class at the Fielden School of Art.
14 October 1921
Technical and Evening Schools Sub-Committee
54 students enrolled at the Fielden School of Art
16 December 1921 (page 155)
Technical and Evening Schools Sub-Committee
(8) £20 bonus again to Miss Holmes and two others.
(14) Resolved that the Annual Exhibition of Work at the School of Art be held on the 14th of January 1922.
26 October 1922 (page 55)
56 students enrolled at the Fielden School of Art.
15 December 1922 (page 173)
Technical and Evening Schools Sub-Committee
(3) WRCC had provisionally assessed the salary of Miss M A Holmes, full time teacher at the Fielden School of Art, in accordance with the Burnham Scale for Teachers in Technical etc. Schools as follows:
Miss M A Holmes (Graduate). Approved salary 1 September 1921, £270. Incremental date 1 January 1922. Approved salary 1 September 1922, £285. Arrears due to 31 August 1922, £10.
The minutes for the years 1923 to June 1939 exist, but have not been searched for references to the Art School.
2333 Technical and Evening Schools Sub-Committee
(g) WRCC had conditionally approved the appointment of an assistant to the Art Mistress at the Fielden School of Art for the session 1939-40. Resolved that Mis M M Birtill be provisionally appointed to the said position.
(i) The Director authorised to arrange for the printing of prospectuses for the Art School and Technical and Evening Institutes for the forthcoming Winter Session.
15 September 1939 (pages 681/682)
2640 Technical and Evening Schools Sub-Committee
(b)(i) Regarding the Art School and Technical Institutes, resolved that a small emergency committee to take any necessary decisions, subject to subsequent confirmation.
(b)(ii) 39/143T dated 4 September from WRCC, confirming that in view of the outbreak of War the opening of all Art Schools and Technical and Evening Institutes is to be postponed until further notice.
(f) Letter from WRCC 21 July conditionally confirming the appointment of Miss M M Birtill.
(g) WRCC letters of 29 August, and 7 and 8 September, as to the use of the Fielden School of Art as a First-Aid Post.
(h) Letter from the Town Clerk of 25 August notifying that he gave permission to the ARP organiser for the Calder Valley to install a telephone at the Fielden School of Art.
13 October 1939 (page 68)
158 Technical and Evening Schools Sub-Committee
(b) WRCC circular 39/154T dated September 1939, as to reopening of day classes to Art Schools and Technical and Evening Institutes.
(c) WRCC letter dated 10 October 1939 approving proposal to commence Day Art Classes in the Technical Institute.
(e) Letter from Miss M A Holmes resigning her appointment as Art Mistress. Resignation accepted with regret, to take effect on 31 December 1939.
27 October 1939 (page 70)
Technical and Evening Schools Sub-Committee
(b)(ii) Letters from the Town Clerk (a) dated 7 September 1939, notifying that the Minister of Health has directed that the Fielden School of Art may be used as a First-Aid Post notwithstanding any trust, covenant or restriction until such time as the Minister may hereafter determine; and (b) dated 8 September 1939, notifying that the County Council are debarred by virtue of the Air-Raid Precautions (Approval of Expenditure) Provisional Regulations, 1938, from paying any rents for the use of the said premises.
(c) WRCC letter dated 26 October requesting suggestions of Managers regarding the appointment of a successor to Miss Holmes.
8 December 1939 (page 177)
560 Technical and Evening Schools Sub-Committee
(d) Reported that Evening Art Classes had opened at the Technical Institute on 24 November 1939.
19 January 1940 (page 222)
739 Technical and Evening Schools Sub-Committee
(g) WRCC letter dated 21 December 1939, notifying the Authority’s agreement with the proposal to appoint Miss M M Birtill as a full-time teacher of Art.
Resolved – That so far as this Sub-Committee is concerned approval be given to the appointment of Miss M M Birtill as a temporary full-time teacher of Art, pending the return to more normal conditions, on terms and conditions adopted by the WRCC, Miss Birtill to give three-fifths service to the Todmorden secondary School and two fifths to the Todmorden Art Class from 1 January 1940, and to be employed in full-time service and exclusively in the capacity of a teacher, and the appointment to be subject to the regulations of the WRCC from time to time in force.
(h) Letter dated 27 December from Miss M A Holmes, notifying that circumstances have arisen which prevent the holding of the Exhibition referred to in Minute 560(h), and reported that the Exhibition had therefore been cancelled.